As you would've gussed, I'm not being stupidly emo anymore! Its not like my life's much better, its the same actually. I didnt' get emo for nothing, but I've gotten over those stuff already (for now, at least!). So yup, sorry again for being so pessimistic and whiny and complain-y and all, thanks for all your cheer-up messages too!
Alright, so the teacher(s) found out about our class copying work. We "shared" all our gp compre answers, gp teacher complained to year head, and now we're dead. (HEY IT RHYMES) thing is, they probably have my name too.
I do like our GP relief teacher, she's another one from VJ (I've been getting many VJ relief teachers since sec 1) and her lessons are interesting, but ... Okay maybe younger teachers are all idealistic and tend to get more disappointed, hmm. Makes me feel bad for her when I think this way, shall try to do my work! (SOMEBODY MAKE ME CONCENTRATE!!)
Geog tutorial will be done on my own (I'll try!), will not make ms teo sad (that hasn't happened yet), and heck gp for the moment. Well okay, I'm gonna try to push gp up to a C or B? Better start doing my gp journal writing and all the stuff I've conveniently left out LOL.
Righto, we had cca today and I haven't played my flute in ages! Guess what, we played the national anthem haha.
While most would be doing the MT Listening Compre tomorrow afternoon, I'll be painting that still life, my working speed is awfully slow ): Damn, I don't even have time for my visual journal these few days! D:
one. more. thing. I HATE USING PHOTOSHOP ITS IRRITATING, ANNOYING, and IRRITATING. Also, I don't have any ideas for that surrealistic photography work yet screw!!

(these pictures are not from today's eclipse)
BYE, before i fall asleep right after I bathe again. and i'm catching the eclipse on tv later
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